"Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare... What did Professor Sprout say? It likes the dark and the damp-"-Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone
"So light a fire!" Harry choked.
"Yes - of course - but there's no wood!" Hermione cried, wringing her hands.
Throughout this year I have had to keep reminding myself of this quote. You catch me, dear reader, in he midst of a crisis - familial, financial, emotional, physical etc. A crisis that began almost a year ago this month and has progressively become more...complicated... as this year went on. As Deb so aptly wrote '[...]when you feel so weighed down with emotions better left to glittery and not so glittery vampires and when you feel like you could sleep forever' seems to describe my current frame of mind.
However I am, for lack of a better term, a magickworker and so I should be able to rouse myself this from this pity-party-for-one and start damn well doing my job and clean up the mess, no mater how daunting this may seem.
So Deb's competition of sorts could not have come about at a better time. I have had a past experience littered with failed blogs, but this has prompted me to do the terrible, scary thing and *write*. At least with the prompt of documenting my year of using magick to improve my life and the life of those around me means I have theme I can keep to and I have the luxury of not worrying so much about what people think about my writing, because I am keeping experiment notes. For Science! *Ahem*
*Sound of gauntlet being thrown down*
Let the transformation begin!
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