My difficulties all came down to a series of bad choices, as most are want to do. My difficulties stemmed from poor management of resources - such as time, neglecting health, and unrealistic expectations of what I could achieve when at a low point.
I have learnt that a part of choosing the targets to shift in magick needs to include an assessment of what state you are in.

Needless to say I failed at moving the date of the presentation, and it was not exactly the best one I have ever done. My efforts would have been better
spent creating a field of charm and confidence around me, calling down a spirit to help me win my audience over, creating a talisman to help - and breaking out my mad NLP skillz.
So now I will take advantage of the waxing moon and the glorious spring weather to start building myself back up - sleep schedule is off, but I have access to more food and drink (today was the first day of the holidays and I have gone back home, I am currently writing this with a cup of tea and a box of flapjacks by my side).
Currently I am going through my books to find inspiration for tech to get my back to a healthy point where I can start battling again, expect posts to come about the results to come.